My passion in virology and data science
My love affair with research started as early as 2008, where we were initially intrigued at how antibodies can impact outcome of dengue virus infection. In my Ph.D. training with Prof. Ooi Eng Eong, we identified the molecular mechanisms involved in dengue virus neutralisation and enhancement (Chan et al., PNAS, 2011; Chan et al., PNAS, 2014). After graduation, I had the unique opportunity to continue to work with Prof. Ooi Eng Eong and Dr. Jenny Low to investigate if the antibody-mediated effects that we observed in vitro can be observed in humans. Since then, I became very interested in data science. By integrating various omics platforms (e.g. genomics, proteomics and metabolomics), we were able to understand how human variations and host responses affect immunogenicity and adverse events to the Yellow Fever vaccine (Chan et al., Nature Microbiology, 2016; Chan et al., Nature Medicine, 2019).
My next stage of my career is to focus on developing bioinformatic tools for omics analysis. In the year of 2021, a large portion of my time is spent on learning the Python and R programming language, so that we can analyze omics data quickly and reproducibly. These efforts started to pay off especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, where the bioinformatic tools that we have developed allowed us to quickly understand the host responses that were associated with severe COVID-19. In the near future, we hope to create web tools and apps that would facilitate and integrate omics data.

In a hot tropical country like Singapore, a cloudy day is sometimes all we need to clear our minds...
I enjoy the beach, just looking at the clouds in the sky can make me feel relaxed. In my free time, I enjoy blogging and playing Japanese Mahjong (or riichi mahjong). You may click on the hyperlinks to know more:
School website
Personal blog
Medium blog, where I write articles related to the use of Python in omics analytics
Mahjong blog, where I write articles related to riichi mahjong strategies
Github, for sharing of codes with the public